Matt Popovich



A React/Typescript app that lets you create your own animated custom emojis for Slack and Discord, all on the frontend.

A React app that lets you browse image-heavy subreddits as a grid of images with a lambda function to fetch reddit posts.

A website that lets you see a visualizer for audio sourced from a different browser tab, using the Screen Capture API and Web Audio API.


A Sass mixin that lets you generate inline SVG background images by drawing with ASCII art.


A Sass mixin library for concisely generating sets of single-property media queries.

The Last Jedi 3D Animated Poster

A mouse-responsive 3D parallax animation with GSAP, SVG filters, and CSS transforms, bringing a movie poster to life.

Last Stand

A mouse-responsive 3D parallax animation with GSAP, SVG filters, and CSS transforms, bringing a digital artwork I painted to life.

Animated Hearthstone Golden Card

An experiment using CSS masks along with GSAP and SVG filters to animate a golden Hearthstone card.

Paint on Heat Distortion

An experimental project that lets you paint an animated heat effect onto an image with GSAP, SVG filters, and CSS masks. This project was posted to the Codepen front page and included in the Codepen Spark weekly newsletter by Codepen staff.

Trump Twitter Cover Generator

An image generator to make your own custom version of a ridiculous Twitter cover photo President Trump added briefly in 2017. This project was mentioned by Teen Vogue, International Business Times, and Mashable.

MegaCity Police

A Node.js Twitter bot that tweets random cyberpunk crime alerts and other sci-fi technobabble. Tweets once per hour, running on a Heroku cron job.

Star Wars Titlebot

A Node.js Twitter bot that tweets random Star Wars episode titles. Tweets once per hour, running on a Heroku cron job.